Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. was founded on April 6th, 1987 at Texas Tech University.
Chapter was founded at Washington State University on March 27th, 1999.
Rho Chapter: known as the Rho Reinas
Latina-based but not exclusive. Promote Individuality.
Values: Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership
Official Colors: Pink & Maroon
Official Jewel: Emerald
Official Flower: Pink Rose
Mascot: Penny the Penguin
Philanthropy: American Cancer Society
The Purpose of Kappa Delta Chi shall be to promote the traditional values of Unity,
Honesty, Integrity and Leadership of its members. An organization dedicated to
service for institutions of higher education and underrepresented communities with
special emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino population; a servitude based on love and
Requirements to apply:
- Full-Time undergraduate/graduate student.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75
- Cannot be a first-term freshmen